All jokes, mockeries, and groans aside, I am beyond excited for this Royal Wedding happening on Friday. Of course I am. I grew up in a home where my Mom loved the Royals, my Grandmother loved the Royals, and my Aunts on my Dad's side loved the Royals! We had coffee table books, new ones at that, of Princess Diana and her many, many different dresses and tiaras. We had spoons with Prince Charles and Diana on them, from their wedding day in 1981. I had stories from my Mom about the morning she woke up at 3AM to see lovely, nervous Lady Diana Spencer step out of her carriage and walk up the aisle toward her Prince. I remember my Mom crying real tears while watching Diana's funeral on TV in 1997.

Every little girl dreams of her wedding day. A day just like Cinderella had when she became a princess from a commoner. It doesn't often happen that a real commoner marries the heir to the throne. Some may argue that Diana was a commoner -- they would be wrong. Diana's father was a Lord. She was nobility. The fact that she ran in royal circles was a big reason why she caught Charles' eye. Or he caught hers. Or however that whole mess happened.
With the big day only two days away -- even less, really, I decided to do a bit of a tribute on my wedding blog about what will no doubt be the biggest wedding event in history so far. William and Kate. William and Catherine.

Every little girl dreams of her wedding day. A day just like Cinderella had when she became a princess from a commoner. It doesn't often happen that a real commoner marries the heir to the throne. Some may argue that Diana was a commoner -- they would be wrong. Diana's father was a Lord. She was nobility. The fact that she ran in royal circles was a big reason why she caught Charles' eye. Or he caught hers. Or however that whole mess happened.
And what a mess it was.
I think one of the reasons the world has caught Royal Wedding fever is that in this case, Kate and William seem to really love one another. They've been together for eight years! This is a true, lasting relationship, and that is beautiful.

So bake some biscuits, have some tea, and don a tiara. I'll be parked in front of my Royal telly at 3AM sharp!
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