Every day I commute to Toronto, and every day, as my train pulls out of the Milton station and toward Mississauga, I can see the back of my high school in the distance. Yesterday, as I looked upon it I suddenly realized that I met half of my wedding party there. Two of the amazing women that I call my bridesmaids went to my high school where I was fortunate enough to not only meet them, but call them my friends.
Let me tell you about my bridesmaids -- in order of when I met them.
Andrea, my Matron of Honour, is my beautiful first cousin. She's my Dad's sister's daughter, and that makes her not only a very close relative, but also like a sister. She is ten years older than me and was actually at my parents' wedding! Imagine! I have looked up to her my entire life, and she's been good to me my entire life. I was Andrea's bridesmaid in 2004 when she got married to her wonderful husband John. I was so thrilled to be part of that day!

I met Justine when I started school at Holy Rosary in 1998. She reminded me of a little doll with her short dark hair and doll-like face. I feel like I grew up with Justine, through the end of elementary school, then all through high school, keeping in touch through university, and up until now, when I am so privileged to call her one of my best friends. I still remember sleepovers throughout high school, walking home together all the time, and hanging out whenever we were both in Milton. She's one of the most genuinely kind, happy people I have ever known. It's infectious and I always look forward to seeing her.
On our way to Bryden's...summer 2005
The first day of high school was an overwhelming, scary one. There were so many kids I'd never seen before! I went to my first class of the day, Science with Mr. Buckley (having him as my first high school teacher didn't eliminate any anxiety either), and groaned to myself when he told us to get into pairs for our first science experiment, as I didn't know that many people in the class. I turned around to my left and saw a red-headed girl who smiled at me right away. We paired up and examined our hair under a microscope. And the rest, as they say, is history! Sasha has been a constant source of support, laughter, and extreme inside jokes ever since the day I met her. Whenever we see each other, insanity ensues, and no matter how much time passes between our hangouts, we pick right up where we left off.
Sasha and I in October 2001.
That same scary first week of high school, I was standing around in Bishop Reding's Piazza one morning. The space was packed, and I was trying to be as outgoing as I could, so I could make new friends. Katie started talking to me out of the blue, not about anything specific, but just started up a warm, light conversation with me that really struck me. Friendly, outgoing, and with every effort to make everyone else comfortable and have fun. She hasn't changed at all to this day. So glad you moved back to Milton, Katie!! God knows what I would do without you.
Prom, 2004